Soon after I quit my job, I used to be at a loss of words,
when someone asked me, “So, What do you do?”
Umm, I’m currently on a break, or I’m starting my own venture now, Or I’m just taking a break, were some of my replies.
However, I felt none of them did justice to what I was
really doing. I was following my passion and launching my own venture in the
field of Life Coaching and Transformational Workshops.
That’s when I decided, It was time to make my Elevator speech.
Whether you are a Mommy or a Momtrepreneur, you can have
your own Elevator speech.
What is an Elevator speech? Well , for discovering the meaning, we simply have to look at the
two words. Elevator and Speech.
Imagine, you had a high profile meeting with a client, on
whom depended a lot of business. But he/she was a busy person. So he/she only
gives you 30 seconds of his time, in which to make a pitch. Or the time taken
to go from the ground floor in an elevator till the top. What would you say to
him/her so that they would say the three magic words,
Imagine, you happen to meet someone at a party, and they ask you,” So, What do you do?
Your reply could provide fodder for a very interesting
discussion or just turn into a boring rambling talk.
We surely can’t encompass what we do in a mere 30 seconds,
but we can give a powerful preview which can generate curiosity in your
prospective client.
A good elevator speech gets the other person to say , “WOW, Tell me more!”
My first elevator speech was something like this:
I am an Executive and Life Coach. I help people transform their lives by tapping into the power of their thoughts, to achieve their highest potential. |
It still evolves every day, and I have landed many a
workshop assignment or a training/teaching job by having my elevator speech
Your Elevator speech can enhance or decrease your own
feeling of Self-Worth too.
Now, If you are thinking, But I am a stay at home mom, and
how can I make an Elevator Speech.
I’m a stay-at-home Mom, I’m a housewife, Well, I don’t do anything, I
am at home.
These are some the replies one commonly hears, when one
talks to a Stay-at-home Mom. Again, none of them do justice to what
Stay-at-home Moms do. Here’s an example of an elevator speech of a Stay-at-home
I help shape my children’s lives, by instilling in them, the values of honesty, independence, and self-discipline. I love being a Mom 24X7, and multitasking is my second name! |
An elevator speech gives other people a true glimpse of what
you do. It not only inspires you, but it also inspires others.