Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Conversations with Momtrepreneurs....

As a Momtrepreneur, the best part of my life is getting to interact with many resourceful entrepreneurs, and exchange notes with them. I love listening to how passionate they are about their work, and their journey always intrigues me.

Today I had two conversations with 2 momtrepreneurs, and both left me energised.
The first Momtrepreneur was someone who I was interviewing for my series on this blog, “Interviews with Momtrepreneurs”. I usually send across a list of questions, which the person has to answer and write back. However, this momtrepreneur insisted that she wanted to talk to me.

As we spoke, she told me, how no pre-set list of questions would be able to capture the essence of her story. It’s important that you and I have a chat. That’s how you would be able to understand my journey better, and put it across in the best way possible to inspire many!

I paused, and was amazed at this idea. Why hadn’t I thought of this before? I loved the idea of a personal connect. We had an insightful conversation, and came away with tons of insights. Keep watching this space for a brilliant interview with this MBA turned artist!

My next meeting was with someone, who had reached out to me for inputs on Coaching and Facilitation. She was looking to reinvent her career from digital marketing. I didn’t know her personally, and had responded to her query on an expat forum. As I reached, I found a pleasant eager face, a 3 month baby in her arms, with loads of enthusiasm and questions about this field.

I loved the fact, that she wanted to spend more time with her kids (her toddler was at home with her helper), but at the same time was concerned with carving a niche for herself. She called herself the self-doubting type, but she seemed so sure of each question she asked. 

And as we discussed about Coaching, many related things, I came away inspired with her focus, and determination to move ahead.

We can all inspire each other, and these two women did just that to me. I came away with a changed perspective on myself, my business, and how I can approach my work. And I am sure that they didn’t intend to do any of that. But that’s the power of these interactions. And I am so grateful for them.

More Power to these and the many Momtrepreneurs around!

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