Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Interviews with Momtrepreneurs: Meet the dynamic duo behind Rashee!

Keeping in tandem with the theme of this blog, I am pleased to kick off a series of interviews with momtrepreneurs. Each month, this blog will feature a woman just like you and me, who is doing a balancing act of managing her own venture and her family. I do hope you enjoy reading and getting inspired from these wonderful women. If you are a momtrepreneur and would like to be featured on this blog, write in at momtrepreneurishere@gmail.com and I would be happy to interview you!

This month, I am pleased to interview the dynamic duo behind the label Rashee; Rachna Sagar, and Sheela Wadhwa. 

What happens when two friends with a passion for all things beautiful, come together? You get Rashee- a label that represents clothes for the modern contemporary women. Reach them at http://www.therasheeblog.blogspot.com. Having known them as friends, having worn their designs, and finally having worked with them on their blog write-up, I can say they are at their passionate best when they talk about clothes and art! They know how to have fun, and yet run their venture with complete professionalism. But, most of all they are amazing people , always ready to welcome you with a hug and a smile..

Read on to find out what makes them tick, and how they manage it all….

If I ask your kids, What does Mommy do? What would they say?

Rachna: My boys would say she is a designer. They might not narrow down to just apparel though.

Sheela : My kids would probably say she's an artist and a designer. 

When someone asks you, So what do you do? What are you most likely to say?

Rachna : We run a design studio and put together styles.
Sheela : I feel lucky to have made my passion my profession. I'm an artist and I run my own fashion label as well. 

Is there a story behind the name of your venture?

Both: RAchna n SHEEla....RASHEE

How did you choose each other as partners for the business? What should other Momtrepreneurs keep in mind while choosing the right partner?

Rachna: I am not sure if this is sound advice, but I tend to always just follow my heart. When I chose my life partner, it was a quick decision and took me 15 minutes. Something inside told me that my journey with my husband Sashi would be interesting and fun. When I met Sheela it again took me a very short time to ask her to join me in the RASHEE journey. Just follow your heart is my answer. It never lies. We normally have the answers within ,but fail to hear them. 
Sheela : it was something as simple as "...she asked n I said YES ..." over a cuppa. 
That being our story... I believe that a good working partnership must have trust, shared passion  and complementary skills. 

How long were you a stay at home mom before getting into your new venture? Was it easy or difficult to make the transition ?

Rachna: Hmm actually it's been off and on for me. For a few years I took off for both my boys and then went back to work, till we moved to kl and then RASHEE happened. 

Sheela: It's been 10 years since I left the software industry. I took this as an opportunity to do all the things I've always wanted to do like paint, dance, yoga and much more... And then RASHEE happened. 

What is your core qualification? And is your venture related to that? If not, what learnings did you take from it to implement in your own business?

Rachna: I am a commerce graduate and then did my masters in finance . Designing might not be what I studied but since it's a passion it comes from within. My education has shaped my personality into what it is. So that what takes me ahead in my area today and makes me complete. 

Sheela: I'm a software engineer. Design was very much a part of my profession albeit a different type.  The processes involved like requirements, design drafts and finally implementation have helped us here too

How did you reinvent yourself ?

Rachna:  Hmm reinvent not so much, but yes heeded to my passion. And am having fun while at it.  

Sheela: Doing what I like most brings out the best in me... So I guess I'm still seeing a new me everyday.

Did you have any fears while starting your venture after a break/ salaried job? What were they ? And how did you get over them?

Rachna: Yes, once you get use to a fixed amount every month and annual bonuses, one does tend to miss it. But the sheer joy of creating covers up. Every event we now go to and see women wear our creation is a very satisfying feeling. Seeing the confidence and smile on our clients’ faces makes up for any other feeling of loss. 

Sheela: Not really.. There were no fears. Besides having a friend as a working partner makes it easier and a lot more fun. 

How do you manage your home and the venture?

Rachna: Thankfully this came at a time when my boys are a little grown up and  we have excellent staff and support at home. 

Sheela : I've been lucky to have a very supportive family and an excellent helper. Also working from home gives a lot of flexibility. 

Who/ what inspires you?

Rachna : Different things that inspire me like a nice and cheerful day, listening to lovely music or something as simple as a walk can lead to a design, cut or a beautiful garment.  

Sheela : Beauty in everything around me...colors, textures, randomness, patterns, expressions, the list can go on ...

One secret you would like to share which can make another Momtrepreneurs journey easier?

Rachna : I can't stress enough on "follow your heart it takes you to your dreams". If you live your dream the rest all falls into place . Take one step towards it and it will come to you. 
The road might not be all easy but if you look at the hurdles and smile and tell yourself that you will soon have a solution, you will !
Believe in yourself and your dream no one else will :) 
Sheela : If you believe ... you can make it happen. 

Your pick- me - up song  for inspiration?

Rachna: Love Josh Groban's "brave"
Sheela : Whitney Houston's "one moment in time"

One business mantra you would like every Momtrepreneur to know?

Sheela : Well I guess we are still very new to the business scene.So far what we've learnt is that happy customers make the best advocates.  

What's your vision for your venture ?

Rachna: A "Rashee" in the wardrobes of all those women who want to discover their inner self,  want to have a family and a career and yet not lose themselves in it.

Sheela: A "Rashee" in the wardrobes of all those who want to discover their true spirit and express it in style.

If your venture were a colour, what would it be and why?

Rachna: Yellow since it's an instant pick me up and I  want to believe that whoever wears a Rashee has a smile on her face . 
Sheela: Magenta ..it's vibrant , free spirited n full of life... That's what Rashee is all about. 

Your motto for yourself : 

Rachna : Smile into my fears and tell myself that they are just that and not me  

Sheela : Nothing is impossible!

One thing you want your children to remember always? 

Rachna: Mom is fun and a happy soul, they can come and share their fears and seek words that will not give advise but just thoughts from someone who journeyed on this planet a few more decades than them. They can make their mistake and that will not diminish my love for them. 

Sheela: Gratitude

How would you want to be remembered as?

Rachna : A confident and happy person who could light up people s lives even though for a flash of a second .

Sheela : A compassionate person who made a positive difference to the world around her through her art and creativity...

How would you want your venture to be remembered as?

Both in unison! : Boho chic  

THANK YOU Rachna and Sheela for that inspiring chat! Lots of best wishes to Rashee, and May you both keep adding colour and happiness to our lives through your love and creativity!

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