Saturday 18 October 2014

Interview with Momtrepreneurs- Meet Swapna Patel

Keeping in tandem with the theme of this blog, I am pleased to kick off a series of interviews with momtrepreneurs. Each month, this blog will feature a woman just like you and me, who is doing a balancing act of managing her own venture and her family. I do hope you enjoy reading and getting inspired from these wonderful women. If you are a momtrepreneur and would like to be featured on this blog, write in at and I would be happy to interview you!

This month, I am pleased to interview Swapna Patel. I have had the privilege of knowing her from school, and it was back then that she fell in love with the series , The Bold and the beautiful, and announced to the world in general that she would be a fashion designer. True to her word, she made a successful career in fashion design. Two kids and a mini break later, she has evolved and re-invented herself as a Stella and Dot Stylist. ( When I liked a piece of Stella and Dot Jewellery, she moved mountains to ensure that I received it even though they didn’t deliver in Malaysia. That’s how passionate about her work she is.
But Mommy hood is indeed her top priority…..

Read on to find out what makes her tick, and how she manages it all….

If I ask your kids, What does Mommy do? What would they say?

I am pretty sure, my daughter would say Stylist for Stella & Dot. Jewellery + parties; What's not to like? She gets it !

When someone asks you, So what do you do? What are you most likely to say?

I am a full time mom and a part time stylist! The latter is the glam part of my life, which I am so blessed to have. 

How long were you a stay at home mom before getting into your new venture? Was it easy or difficult to make the transition ?

I was home for five years, I dabbled in things on and off, trying to find my bearings. Being a mom is a full time job, yet  I couldn't wait to start working outside again. I wasn't ready for corporate America, and I really wanted lots of flexibility, relatively low risk and investment. When my path crossed with Stella & Dot, it was absolutely the thing I was waiting for! I make my own hours, pick up my daughter at the bus stop each day, take them to all their activities. feed my son his lunch in the backyard. I work when they are asleep and schedule my work around what works for my family. When I am working, my husband is home with the kids. So the transition has been rather seamless.

What is your core qualification? And is your venture related to that? If not, what learnings did you take from it to implement in your own business?

My education is in Fashion design and Merchandising. So, being a stylist fits in perfectly although I did not have any prior experience in jewelry. This is by far more glamorous than what I did before. Because I actually get to style people in the latest trends. I love to see women light up when they put on a bracelet or try on a necklace. And even though I had nothing to do with the design or manufacturing of each piece, I have this immense sense of satisfaction from adding sparkle to a friends life. 

How did you reinvent yourself ?

I wouldn't really say I reinvented, but I did evolve. I relearned some of my old skills and am very excited to apply them to my new business.

Did you have any fears while starting your venture after a break/ salaried job? What were they ? And how did you get over them?

I definitely was a little nervous, but that's always better than being over confident.I was worried that I didn't have the kind of network I needed to build this business. I was also worried about how successful I would be. The beauty of Stella & Dot is, that it offers excellent coaching, amazing team to support you and really a sisterhood. You are all in it together! I have learned so much in just a few months! I have also met some amazing women who are my mentors, customers and friends and ALL because I stepped out of my comfort zone.

How do you manage your home and the venture?

I learned to manage my time better. Learned to prioritize. My number 1 priority is my family. So I put them first and really work around their schedules. My husband has been super supportive of my venture. So when I am working he is always home with them. And more importantly, to ask for help when I need it and try not to sweat the small stuff.

Who/ what inspires you?

Personally, my own mother. After having two kids, I realize how many challenges and sacrifices a mom makes for her kids. And what a tough job it is. 

Professionally, I adore the CEO of Stella & Dot, Jessica Herrin. She has truly created a company which gives women the means to succeed. One of the reasons I decided to pursue this is because I had read about Jessica many years ago. I was impressed with her resume and career path. 

One secret you would like to share which can make another Momtrepreneurs journey easier?

I don't know if it's a secret really...but one day it dawned on me that my kids are not going to remember every single, organic, made from scratch meal that I slaved over in the kitchen for them. They are not going to remember whether the house was clean or messy. However,They are going to remember, whether mom played with them, and whether she was cool or cuckoo. So remember, pizza night didn't kill anyone and a sane, happy mom is a great mom! So do what needs to be done to stay sane and be happy!

Your pick- me - up song  for inspiration?

Eye of the tiger!! 

One business mantra you would like every Momtrepreneur to know?

What's your vision for your venture ?

My vision is to gradually build it to a full time gig for myself.

If your venture were a colour, what would it be and why?

Yellow. It is the color of joy and happiness

Your motto for yourself : 

 "Have you explored all your possibilities today?" words spoken by my daughters Strawberry Shortcake teapot!

One thing you want your children to remember always? 

I want them to remember that they are at the heart of everything I do. And I wouldn't be half the person I am today without them. You know that Johnson & Johnson commercial "Having a baby changes everything"...So true!

How would you want to be remembered as?

As someone who brings out the best in others...whether its personally or professionally. 

How would you want your venture to be remembered as?

Something that touches and changes , for the better, life of every woman in it's path!

THANK YOU Swapna for taking out the time to chat with Momtrepreneur! More Power to You, and Keep adding sparkle to our lives!

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